Francelina Pinto, Board Member of Aggregates Europe (UEPG) and General Director of ANIET - Portuguese Association of Aggregates, Ornamental Stone and Mining Industry, is a dedicated frontliner in Portugal’s extractive industry who acknowledges competitiveness, innovation, cooperation and internationalization as leading principles for the sustainability of the sector. Francelina believes that equity is a powerful factor of efficiency, creativity, productivity, dedication, and quality in all its dimensions and that women have a lot to offer, when performing leadership roles in the business ecosystem.
Q.: The extractive sector is a particularly demanding professional area with a profile that supports modern technological trends yet, identified more by its conservative structure in terms of administration and operations. How/why did you choose this sector as a career path?
Francelina Pinto: From an early age, I realized I had a passion for earth sciences and minerals. I feel that I have made the right choice, I am happy with what I do, working in a sector vital to society, without which there is no present and no future. The extractive industry is vital for the construction of everything around us, and without it, we would not have the quality of life that we enjoy today.
Q.: Tell us a little about your experience as a professional in the extractive sector. What challenge(s) have you encountered, hitherto, in your work environment?
Francelina Pinto: Being responsible for ANIET's several activities, the main challenge is to support our member companies, with great dedication, representing them and defending their important role at the economic and social levels. Thus, contributing to the sustainability of our members and the sector in general.
Promoting competitiveness, innovation, cooperation, and internationalization is a clear plan for those who work with our members on a daily basis. As well as to listen to their problems and constraints and, with this, to be able to act with the decision-makers of our country to find solutions and answers to the ongoing challenges that our sector is facing.
Q.: What we acknowledge and welcome in recent years, is an attempt of the mining industry to set up a direct and meaningful communication channel with the modern societies that are more aware of the sector's pros and cons. In this context, albeit at a gradual pace, women are entrusted with executive level jobs. What are your thoughts about inclusion and diversity in the mining environment?
Francelina Pinto: Gender equity is a path that has been on the road for a long time. Fortunately, public policies have promoted the role of woman in the many dimensions where she operates and in the most varied roles and professions she performs.
We are therefore certain that this equity is a powerful factor of efficiency, creativity, productivity, dedication, and quality in all its dimensions. There are more and more women in executive positions, and, in my opinion, women have a lot to give when performing leadership roles in the business ecosystem. We believe that no area has limitations for us.
Equity is a powerful factor of efficiency, creativity, productivity, dedication, and quality in all its dimensions.
Q.: What are the «critical raw materials» for a woman in this sector to maintain the difficult but essential work-life balance?
Francelina Pinto: I believe that a healthy work environment, combined with strong family support, are essential factors in maintaining a balance between family and professional life.
Francelina Pinto has a Degree in Mining Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. Francelina is the General Director of ANIET - Portuguese Association of Aggregates, Ornamental Stone and Mining Industry, being responsible for all association activities and Board Member of Aggregates Europe - UEPG.
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