Rebecca Burton: IRMA is the answer to a global demand for more socially and environmentally responsible mining

Rebecca Burton: IRMA is the answer to a global demand for more socially and environmentally responsible mining

Rebecca Burton, the Deputy Director of the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA), introduces IRMA to the Greek readership through RAWMATHUB.GR. Rebecca emphasizes that IRMA is the answer to a global demand for more socially and environmentally responsible mining. The Initiative offers true independent assessment against a comprehensive standard for all mined materials that provides ‘one-stop coverage’ of the full range of issues related to the impacts of industrial-scale mines.

I’m so pleased to have the opportunity to share a bit about the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) in the RAWMATHUB.GR website.

I’ve been part of IRMA for nearly 14 years, first through my role in responsible sourcing at Tiffany & Co. and, for the past four years, working directly for the organization – the past two as Deputy Director.

Throughout these many years, I have seen IRMA’s unwavering commitment to its mission: to protect people and the environment directly affected by mining by creating financial value for mines independently verified to achieve best practices. In practice IRMA is three separate things: a best-practice mining Standard, a process for assessing mines’ performance against that Standard, and an organization which is equally governed by representatives of mining-affected stakeholder sectors.

To create IRMA’s current Standard for Responsible Mining, a diverse group of stakeholders worked collaboratively over a decade to craft the world’s first shared definition of what it means to mine responsibly. This is a publicly-available, detailed document outlining best practices in 26 different chapters related to governance, environmental responsibility, social responsibility and closure. It is an achievable, operational standard, not an aspirational document. Near the end of 2024, after incorporating public comments collected earlier this year, we expect to release an updated Standard that also covers exploration and processing operations. The independent assessment process is equally important.

IRMA trains and approves audit firms who conduct independent assessments of mining operations – measurement of the operations’ performance relative to the IRMA Standard’s requirements. IRMA audits are transparently noticed so anyone can provide their views to auditors. The onsite phase of an audit is publicized a month before auditors arrive. Together, auditors conduct onsite interviews with not just mine management but also mine workers (without management present), affected community members, and government officials. Just as IRMA audits are undertaken with transparency, IRMA audit reports are shared transparently. Audit reports share not only measurements of achievement, but also auditors’ requirement-by-requirement explanation of why the site scored as it did.

An operation can score IRMA Transparency, IRMA 50, IRMA 75 or IRMA 100 – each score reflects increasingly higher levels of performance across the four sections of the IRMA Standard (Business Integrity, Planning for Positive Legacies, Social Responsibility and Environmental Responsibility). At the 50, 75 and 100 levels of achievement, mines must also meet a set of critical requirements.

IRMA's audit reports are publicly released so a mine's customers, investors, communities and civil society can initiate or join an evidence-based conversation with the mining company about how to improve the mine’s operations going forward. IRMA also has a grievance mechanism for those wishing to raise concerns, whether about the Standard, an audit, or the findings in the audit report.

IRMA’s unwavering commitment is to protect people and the environment directly affected by mining by creating financial value for mines independently verified to achieve best practices

Underpinning the entire system is this fundamental tenet: Equal governance by mining-affected stakeholders. The six stakeholder houses of IRMA -mining, labor, communities, environmental and social advocacy NGOs, purchasing, and finance- have equal voting power in determining how the system operates and which requirements are included in the Standard. Each house is composed of two representatives, if both a house’s representatives are united in opposition to something, it cannot be approved.

These are a few of the fundamentals of the system, yet we welcome you to reach out and learn more at Αυτή η διεύθυνση Email προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.. Indeed, we welcome diverse perspectives to the table as we continue to work together to amplify and forward a shared vision: a world where the mining industry respects the human rights and aspirations of affected communities, provides safe, healthy and supportive workplaces, minimizes harm to the environment, and leaves positive legacies.

Our vision is a world where the mining industry respects the human rights and aspirations of affected communities, provides safe, healthy and supportive workplaces, minimizes harm to the environment, and leaves positive legacies.

Short Bio

With over a decade of experience in corporate sustainability and philanthropy, Rebecca believes there is enormous capacity within the private sector to propel positive change and lead the way in driving responsible business practices.

Upon joining IRMA in 2020, Rebecca focused on serving the purchasing and finance sectors, collaborating with members to influence market uptake and ultimately forward more responsible mining practices. As of January 2023, she transitioned to serve as the organization’s Deputy Director, focused on strategy and growth.

Prior to joining IRMA, Rebecca was an independent consultant in sustainability, following nearly 10 years at Tiffany & Co. where she helped advance initiatives in responsible sourcing. She has a double BA in Linguistics and International Studies from the University of Utah and a Master’s in Economic and Political Development from Columbia University.

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